National One Call
Plans, Protection and Estimates for any UK site

About Us

About National One Call

Who are we?

National One Call is an independent company who provide Site-based Services for everyone in the UK.

As `National One Call` we have been online since 2007 but we already had over 30 years professional experience of providing these very services to utilities and asset owners for their Planning and Works requirements.

Driven by Safety

Our aim is to provide services for people to plan better and work safer, and in doing so to help to prevent damage to sites and services.

Common Sense

We won't lecture you on breaching legislation / codes of practice, or brag about how compliant we are.

If you need to be threatened/pressured/patronised you have come to the wrong website!

Honesty and Clarity

With National One Call there are no nasty surprises, no vague pricing, no hidden costs. This is all we do and we do it as best we can.

If you have any questions about what we do, use 'Contact Us'.

Protection for People and Services

Protecting Sites and People

Everyone who needs to manage Sites and activity can register with us and use our Services.

We cover the whole of the UK; any site, any purpose.

Use `Site Manager` to locate your Site, mark it up and add it to your Portfolio.

Choose the Service(s) that you require for your Site(s}:

- PlanToDig - ask for plans from utilities / asset owners etc.

- SiteGuard - protect your Site from PlanToDig enquirers.

- InSite - get help / advice from our specialist Sponsors.

Becoming a Member, and Managing your Membership.

Registration is free; no obligation, no salespeople will call!

All Registered Members can access our systems and services.

For larger organisations there are options to add other users, and to set the rights of these other users accordingly:

Create / Manage SitesYYY
See all ActivityYY-
Change MembershipY--
Apply for / Manage CreditY--
Add / Manage Other UsersY--

Your Site Portfolio

Putting your Sites onto National One Call builds your Site Portfolio.

Monitor / track activites at your Site(s).

Review audit trails and histories.

Zone Site Route Site
Estate / Region / Installation / Property etc. Street / Road /Pipeline / Waterway / Cable etc.

Manage your Site Portfolio with `Site Manager`.

Choosing Services for your Sites

Add the Service(s) you require for each Site:

PlanToDig SiteGuard InSite
Get Plans from utilities / authorities / SiteGuard owners. Protect your Site from PlanToDig Enquiries. Get specialist help and advice from other Members.

Sites can have multiple Services.

What is `PlanToDig`?

A PlanToDig Enquiry contacts others with a potential interest in your Site.

PlanToDig lets you a) identify, and b) request plans from others who may have an interest in or near your Site.

'Asset Owners' are Utilities, Authorities, Pipelines, Railways etc.

We tell you who they are, and an estimate of any Charge they may make.

Also find any SiteGuard Site-owners who may be Affected.

You select the Contacts for your PlanToDig Enquiry.

Finally, choose the type of Enquiry you wish to make; Professional* or Retriever.

* - subject to subscription (see below).

PlanToDig Enquiries are retained for up to 2 years.

What is `PlanToDig Professional`?

Professional is for those willing to administer their own Enquiries.

Use the same systems that we do for `Retriever`!

Managers can assign Users to have a `Professional` subscription for PlanToDig:

- Enquiries are branded in the name of the Member (instead of us).

- No Fees payable to us for the Enquiry*.

- We make the initial contacts, then you do all the administration.

Pay Charges / Receive / Record responses etc.;
use our Guides and Documentation.

* Each Asset Owner will confirm any Charge and how to pay them with you directly.

Managers can manage Professional subscriptions in `Settings'.

What is the `Retriever` option?

Retriever is for those who wish to have us conduct their PlanToDig Enquiry.

For a Fixed Fee we will:

- Receive all email responses, recording them in your Enquiries Register.

- Confirm and pay any Asset Owner charges.

- Access any online plan systems to get responses and plans.

- Monitor Enquiry progress, chasing any straggling Responses.

- Compile and deliver your completed Enquiry Pack in 1 to 10 days.

We will tell you up-front what our Enquiry Fee would be for Retriever.

Protecting your Site on SiteGuard

Be contacted when your Site is potentially affected by Enquiries.

Set details of your Site and how / when to contact you.

Receive Enquiries that appear to affect your SiteGuard Site.

See the Enquiry Site / Work intentions / dates etc.

Respond to the Enquiry: your response is recorded against the Enquiry.

Protection as you need it.

SiteGuard has powerful options that protect your Site as you need it:

- The Enquirer can see your Site and the information you provided.

- Choose to be contacted even if the Enquirer did not actually select you.

- Pre-filter Enquiries according to Work Intentions.

- Make a direct Response if you so wish.

The Enquiry and your Response is retained for up to 2 years.

InSite connect our Clients with each other.

What is the InSite Network?

National One Call is used by thousands of Members, many of whom have their own specialist goods or services that other Members may require.

They can join the InSite Network as a 'Sponsor` and be contactable by other Members who may need their specialisations.

By making a Help Request on InSite, members can connect with InSite `Sponsors` who offer the type of service(s) being sought.

There are no fees or charges for Help Requests, or for Sponsors replying to them.

Managers can set up their InSite presence in `Settings`.

Make Free Help Requests via InSite

You may need more than we offer with our Services, so who better to help you than other Members who use us for their needs?

InSite lets you make Help Requests: Your Site specifies where; you add what help you require, and finally who you consider you need to ask.

Your Help Request goes to the InSite Sponsors who match your Request criteria.

Who are `InSite Sponsors'?

Members who have specialist goods or services that others may need can choose to join the InSite Network as an 'InSite Sponsor'.

By specifying what Service(s) they offer, and the Region(s) in which they operate, their support sponsors the free InSite Network service.

Find new business and clients by becoming an InSite Sponsor

General Arrangements

National One Call is an independent service promoting safety for people and protection of asset owner sites and services.


Our systems are generally online 24/7. Helpdesk is available Mon-Fri, 9am to 5pm.

Guarantees and Warranties.

We guarantee that the information contained in our systems is as recorded by users of our Services.

We do not warrant either the content or accuracy of the recorded data: users are commended to conduct verification as appropriate.

See 'Our Policies' for more details.

Payment Methods and Credit Facilities

Payment Methods

Payments can be made by BACS / Cheque / Phone / Online; instructions are given with each Invoice.

Credit Account Facilities

We offer Credit Facilities for those wishing to use our paying services.

Applications for a Credit Account can be made under 'Settings' but only by a user with Manager Rights.

The Credit Application form explains the Terms and Conditions of Account Facilities and a guide on the level of credit required.

Credit Applications are subject to industry standard Credit Checks.

Once agreed, Credit Facilities are available to all Users of all Levels for the Account.

Policies for Members

Membership Terms The rules for being a Member and User.
Privacy How we protect your Privacy.
Security How Security works on National One Call.
Content Monitoring How we monitor Enquiry Content.
Activity Monitoring How we monitor for Activity Abuse.
Service AvailabilityHow our Service Operates.
Terms of our Service General Terms of our Services.
Policies for Services to Asset Owners
Services for Asset Owners Services available to Asset Owners
Protecting Asset Owner Interests Steps we take to protect Asset Owners