National One Call
Plans, Protection and Estimates for any UK site

About Us

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About National One Call

Who are we?

National One Call is an independent company who get Plans from UK Asset Owners for any Enquirer, any Site, any Purpose.

We have been online since 2007 but we already had over 30 years professional experience of providing these very services to Asset Owners for their Planning and Works requirements.

Driven by Safety

Our aim is to provide services for people to plan better and work safer, and in doing so to help prevent damage to Asset Owner services.

We give free services to promote our ethos of safety and protection.

Honesty and Clarity

With National One Call there are no nasty surprises, no vague pricing, no hidden costs. This is all we do and we do it as best we can.

If you have any questions have a look at 'Myths and Untruths' or use 'Contact Us'.

Protection for People and Services

Protecting People

Everyone who needs Asset Owner plans can use our PlanToDig service.

We cover the whole of the UK; any site, any purpose.

Click on `PlanToDig`, locate your site, mark it up and state your intentions.

We tell you which Asset Owners might have services in or near your site

You choose who is to be contacted to ask for Plans.

Pay us to do the work needed, or you can do it yourself for free.

Protecting Asset Owners and Services

Utilities, Authorities, Pipelines, Railways etc. are contactable through PlanToDig.

All we need to know is who you are, your Area of Interest, and how to contact you.

Receive Enquiries and Respond through our free AssetGuard Service.

Becoming a Member, and Managing your Membership.

Only Registered Members can make Enquiries.

Registration is free. The person who first registers as a New Member is automatically given full 'Manager Rights' for that membership.

For many this is all that is required - one person - however for larger organisations there are options for a Manager to add other users, and to set the rights of these other users accordingly:

See Own EnquiriesYYY
See all EnquiriesYY-
Change MembershipY--
Apply for / Manage CreditY--
Add / Manage Other UsersY--

What is PlanToDig?

Identifying potential Asset Owner interests in your Site

PlanToDig lets you a) identify, and b) request plans from Asset Owners who may have a presence in or near your Site.

'Asset Owners' are Utilities, Authorities, Pipelines, Railways etc.

Damaging services can prove very expensive to repair, and in many cases cause injury or worse.

Just because you cannot see something does not mean it is not there!

Legalities aside (and there are many!), it is sheer common sense not to plan or excavate without finding out who already has services at your site, and asking for plans from them.

How Does PlanToDig Work?

Could it be any easier?

1) Click on `PlanToDig`, locate your Site, and draw it up.

2) We tell you which Asset Owners might have services in or near your Site.

3) You select the Asset Owners you wish to request plans from.

4) Now select what kind of Enquiry you want to make:

   - With Retriever we do it all for you for an Administration Fee.

   - A SelfPlan is free, but you do all the work we would have for Retriever.

Stay safe, stay legal. PlanToDig.

Asset Owners, your Selection, and their Responses

Asset Owners with a potential interest in your Site

We match your Enquiry Site against the Area of Interests of all known Asset Owners, and tell you who MIGHT be affected.

Your Selection of Asset Owners to Contact

Using your knowledge of the Site, you select which Asset Owners you wish to contact for your Enquiry.

Responses from Asset Owners.

1) 'Affected's will generally give you a Plan and documents (disclaimer / instructions).

2) 'Not Affected's will not generally give Plans, but often send disclaimers / instructions.

3) Sometimes you receive a Plan with no Statements, and you have to decide.

4) Occasionally, you may get 'Not Affected if we have not contacted you in 10 days'.

Contacting and Response Recording: Retriever vs SelfPlan

With a Retriever Enquiry, we do all the contacting and Responses are recorded in your Enquiries Register, compiled into your Planning Pack.

For a SelfPlan, you make all the contacts so will receive all Responses directly to deal with. Nothing else is recorded for you.

How long before I will have the Plans?

A Retriever Enquiry (where we do it all for you).

A Retriever Enquiry takes 1 to 10 working days to complete depending on a) the number of Contacts, and b) their speed of Response. Express can deliver plans as they arrive.

Responses we can get for you with FastTrack or as Appointed Agent will be the first to arrive; others tend to start arriving on Day 2 onwards; we progress-chase where necessary.

A SelfPlan Enquiry (where you do all the work).

The speed of a SelfPlan Enquiry depends on how much time and effort you put in.

An average Enquiry goes to 28 contacts; we recommend you allow 1 hour per contact for the work needed for a SelfPlan.

If you start work right away on your SelfPlan, Responses can begin to arrive in 4 to 6 days; how you pay any charges / check content / record responses / progress-chase etc. is up to you - any delays will add to time required for completion.

Typically, a SelfPlan will take between 15 to 40 elapsed days to complete, requiring @28 working hours of your own time.

How much will PlanToDig Cost?

Enquiry Fees

You can pay us an administration fee to do all the work for you. We tell you up-front what this will be. This is the 'Retriever' service and we offer additional options such as Express and Fusion Plan.

If you are prepared to do all the work yourself (a 'SelfPlan' Enquiry) we will tell you who to contact and how; you pay nothing at all to us (but see below about Charges).

Asset Owner Charges

Some Asset Owners make a charge to process an Enquiry; we initially Estimate what these will be based on your Site.

For Retriever, you pay / authorise our Charges Estimate: we will contact you for further Authorisation if their Actual charge is more than we Estimated.

You will deal with each Asset Owner yourself for Charges for a SelfPlan.

You will generally pay Asset Owner Charges for either Retriever or SelfPlan Enquiries.

What is in a Planning Pack?

Retriever Service vs SelfPlan Service

The contents of the resulting Planning Pack will depend which Service Option you choose. With Retriever we do it all and you get a Digital Planning Pack , but with SelfPlan we give you the Site Plan and Contact List but we play no further part in your Enquiry because you are going to do all the work yourself (we also give you a Guide on how to do it).

Site PlanYY
Contact ListYY
This is where you choose Retriever or SelfPlan
Asset PlansY-
Response AnalysisY-
Additional Service Options
Fusion PlanY-
Enquiry in your Register2 Years30 Days

Optional Extras for a Retriever Enquiry.

We can offer additional services for a Retriever Enquiry, services that we cannot offer for SelfPlan:

OptionWhat is it?
ExpressEmailing each Plan to you as they arrive.
Fusion Plan1 drawing overlaid with all Asset Owner plans.
Print PacksPrinting of the digital Planning Pack.

Prices vary according to Site and Contacts, calculated per Enquiry.

Tracking and Auditing of your Enquiries.

Your PlanToDig Enquiries are kept in your Enquiries Register, available for 2 years (Retriever Enquiries), or 30 Days (SelfPlan Enquiries).

Retriever Enquiries

You can search and view Retriever Enquiries at any time to see progress of Live enquiries, view/print documentation when Complete, review and audit the Enquiry, up to 2 years.

SelfPlan Enquiries

Enquiry Documentation (Plan and Contact List) for a SelfPlan Enquiry can be reviewed / printed etc. for 30 days, but Responses cannot be recorded online; this is done manually by the User.

How we work with Asset Owners

AssetGuard; a free service to Receive and Respond to Enquiries.

National One Call gives every Asset Owner a free service called 'AssetGuard' to set up Area of Interest (AoI), Receive PlanToDig Enquiries within their AoI, and make Responses to those Enquiries.

There are no limits on numbers of Enquiries, Responses are recorded, no licence fees, no transaction costs.

FastTrack Programme.

Asset Owners that can give us access to their Planning Systems can join our free FastTrack programme where we provision the Plans and documents (disclaimers etc.) in response to Enquiries, instead of us sending the Enquiry to the Asset Owner to deal with.

Appointed Agent Service

'Appointed Agent' is where we deal with every aspect of plan requests on behalf of an Asset Owner - from taking Enquiries to delivering plans, gathering payments to activity reporting.

By redirecting Enquirers at their websites and Callers to reception, an Asset Owner appoints National One Call as Agent for providing their plans, to agreed rules and specifications.

Appointed Agent often speeds up response times yet reduces Asset Owner overheads.

Find out more about FastTrack and our Appointed Agent services by using 'Contact Us'.

Free Service for Recording Responses.

How it Works

When a Retriever Enquiry is received we contact each selected Asset Owner with details of the Enquiry and a link to let them respond using `AssetGuard`.

As well as responding to that specific Enquiry, AssetGuard lists any other Enquiries still waiting for Response in their `Response Manager`.

No fees, no charges, no limits; AssetGuard is a free service to every UK Asset Owner.

Responses are recorded against the Enquiry, kept in the Enquiries Register for up to 2 years.

FastTrack: improving turnaround while reducing workload.

How FastTrack Works

Asset Owners generally work on 10-working day target to respond to Enquiries sent to them to deal with. This turnaround time can stretch out considerably with annual leave / resource problems etc.

Asset Owners who can give us access to their plans can join our FastTrack Programme and we provide their Plan and documents for them in response to Enquiries.

FastTrack releases resources yet speeds up Plan delivery

See 'Appointed Agent' for how we can help Asset Owners even more!

Scottish Water: Appointed Agent Service in Action

How it Works

Scottish Water now redirect all callers who are looking for plans (both those that call reception and those visiting their websites) to contact their `Appointed Agent`. We do the rest.

We take the Calls and Enquiries, apply their rules, provide Plans and Documents, record the Enquiry and Response, collect any Charge, report to the Asset Owner.

How does this help the Asset Owner?

The Asset Owner no longer deals with Enquiries for plans yet remains aware of, and in total control of, Plan Requests and Provisioning.

Reduce Costs | Improve Turnaround | Remove Bad-debt risk

What does this mean for Enquirers?

Enquirers now get Scottish Water plans a) faster and b) at lower prices, than ever before.

If you are an Asset Owner who can give us access to your Plans we can become your Appointed Agent. Use 'Contact Us' to find out more.

General Arrangements

National One Call is an independent service promoting safety for people and protection of asset owner services.


Services are generally available online 24/7. Helpdesk is available Mon-Fri, 9am to 5pm.

Guarantees and Warranties.

We guarantee that the information contained in our systems is as recorded by Enquirers and Asset Owners.

We do not warrant either the content or accuracy of Enquiries from users, nor that of Responses by Asset Owners.

See 'Our Policies' for more details.

Payment Methods and Credit Facilities

A SelfPlan Enquiry is free; you pay nothing to National One Call as you are going to do all the work. You are however still liable for any Asset Owner Charges for which you deal directly with the Asset Owners.

The price for a Retriever Enquiry includes all fees and Estimated Charges and is held as an `Estimate` until it is either Paid for, or Authorised from an agreed Credit Account.

Payment Methods

Payment can be made by BACS / Cheque / Phone / Online; instructions are given with the Invoice.

Credit Account Facilities

We offer Credit Facilities for those wishing to use our paying services.

Applications for a Credit Account can be made under 'Settings' but only by a user with Manager Rights.

The Credit Application form explains the Terms and Conditions of Account Facilities and a guide on the level of credit required.

Once agreed, Credit Facilities are available to all Users of all Levels for the Account.

Policies for Enquirers

Membership Terms The rules for being a Member and User.
Privacy How we protect your Privacy.
Security How Security works on National One Call.
Content Monitoring How we monitor Enquiry Content.
Activity Monitoring How we monitor for Activity Abuse.
Service AvailabilityHow our Service Operates.
Fair Use of Free Services Restrictions on Free Services
Terms of our Service General Terms of our Services.
Policies for Services to Asset Owners
Services for Asset Owners Services available to Asset Owners
Protecting Asset Owner Interests Steps we take to protect Asset Owners