Terms and Conditions for a Scottish Water Plan
1. General Arrangement.

National One Call is Licensed Agent [the `Agent`] for Scottish Water [the `Asset Owner`] to provide a Plan and associated Documentation of their buried services [a `Response`] to Enquiries [the `Enquiry`] from 3rd parties [the `Plan Holder`].

2. Service Components and Licensing.

An Enquiry does not constitute a serving of notice or intention; a Response does not constitute a licence / permit / agreement.

The Plan Holder is at all times responsible for applying for and securing any licenses or permits that may be required for their intention, from any party.

2. Contents of Responses.

A Response is provisioned as `best known` information. Neither the Asset Owner nor the Agent offer warranty of any Response for:

  • Complete indications of service presences.
  • Accuracy of positioning of services.
  • Status / volume / contents / pressure etc. of services, whether denoted or not.
  • Materials / capacities / connection points or other facets of services, even if annotated.
  • No indication will be given regarding any work intentions by the Asset Owner.

3. Purposes of Plans.

Plans may only be used for the purposes of general planning and/or site investigation. Plans may not be used as:

  • A definitive statement of service presences and locations.
  • A definitive indication of safe-to-dig or non-service locations.
  • Part of any plan-storage or retrieval service.
  • Be used for any other Purpose by the Plan Holder.
  • A data entity or part of any data entity that is sold or otherwise provided by the Plan Holder to other 3rd parties.

4. Validity of Plans and Documents.

Plans and other Documents (the `Response`)

Plans and other Documents are to be considered `Expired` following 30 Days from the date provided, or according to any other expiry indicator in provisioned plans or their documentation.

5. Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights.

Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights of Plans and Documents remain at all times with the parties denoted as holding those rights.

The Plan Holder is responsible for protecting Copyright and IPR of the parties holding those rights.

6. Consequential Liability.

Subject to the above, the Plan Holder accepts full responsibility for the consequences of any actions or decisions made due to their reading and interpretation of the provided plan and/or other documentation.

For the avoidance of doubt, neither the Asset Owner or the Agent shall be responsible or liable for the presence of, or any inaccuracies in, Plans or Documents.

The Asset Owner and the Agent strongly recommends that the Plan Holder take further appropriate steps before committing to design, construction, excavation or build.

Specifically, the Asset Owner and the Agent commend the use of appropriate on-site surveying techniques and safe digging practices.

© National One Call 2025